Thursday, July 30, 2009

Brothers and Sisters of Iran

(Thank you christyny631, without you, this blog would not be.)

To our brave brothers & sisters of Iran, we are with you.

So many feelings and opinions have been expressed from around the world, and as an American woman, I also have many of my own. I think that one thing the majority of these statements share are the thought that it breaks our heart to its very core to watch people, who are very much like us in our regular lives, being beaten, arrested, kidnapped, abused, raped, tortured and even killed. It rips into our very nature to watch this and not stand up and do something about it. We all, as humans, have an instinct to help and to fix.....and yet, here is a situation where we must sit on our hands and let our brave friends make their own way.

So we sit, and we Tweet, and we pray, sometimes we cry. Sometimes we smile at a message that lifts us up, but the dread is always there, the dread of what may be happening in Evin prison to someone just like us. But most of the time, we move along broken hearted knowing that any avenue we can use to help, only feeds the ammunition of evil dictators and puts our dear friends at even more risk. Thankfully, we are always optimists at our core, our nature tells us to hold out hope, never let that dim flame of promise burn out, because right now, hope and the belief in Freedom is what we have to hold onto.

I don't know about you, but I hold onto it steadfastly, I've seen some of the bravest people I've known marching in the face of death, knowing the reality of doing so could mean it is their last day, and boldly going forth. Oppressed women leading groups of marchers has made me proud to be female, because all that they risk by doing that, shows a strong, determined woman cannot be stopped.

So as the dark news and the rays of light filter out of Iran, I pray for you brothers and sisters, I weep for every soul lost to this injustice and as I go about my daily life, know you are in my heart and I'm holding onto the faith in your Freedom. I am one of many who will not let your light go dim. Stay safe.


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